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Nearing the end

Three days left. I wasn’t really sure how I’d feel after this month. Would it be totally eye opening?  Not such a big deal?  What kind of things would I notice?  Would I miss it?  

I think it was eye opening. I realized what a crutch my phone and social media had become. It was my default. I couldn’t focus on work or watching tv or anything without also checking my phone. On breaks, during commercials, etc. I find after this month, I’m less inclined to pick up my phone while watching tv. I definitely don’t need it open during work. I’m much more focused although I did spend a bit more time on a message board I frequent just for some connection to people but that board is so so much better than Facebook. 

I said before but I really do feel like I am sleeping better at night so I’m definitely going to continue not using my phone before bed. I’m going to continue not having Facebook open during work. I think I will limit my time on Facebook to 15 or 30 min a day. I am not sure what to do about tik tok. It is fun and entertaining. I might limit that to just 15 min a day. That one can be a time suck for sure and I don’t want to always have my face be in my phone. I’m staying off twitter I think. Maybe just follow the middle school - they’re the only ones that post there. I think my social media use will just be much more intentional moving forward and much more limited. It’s a place I’m happy to have gotten. 


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